How to get around in Adobe Illustrator (Chap 1,2&3)

Chapters One, Two, and Three.

Chapter One covered how to open documents, alter and set document settings including opening and saving them including many of the file types that Illustrator has the ability to work with. The tutorial also went over many general settings and how to change them (not all of them were still available in the current updated version). It explored the various types of templates, artboards, the best use of pixels, points, and picas, the difference between CMYK and RGB color options and the rastering setting.

Chapter Two covers the concept and use of art boards, how to manipulate, move, alter their sizes and the difference between undo and revert. It then covered placing art boards inside other art boards and how to change the order priority of art boards, including using the rulers with art boards.

Chapter Three covers the multiple zoom features, abilities, and methods including options that changed the methods available. It also went over the scroll/hand tool and how to utilize. It covered how to set up and save your workspace and how to navigate through screen modes.


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